Illern - Strategies - Quiz

Test your knowledge and information skills!!

1. You want to keep yourself updated and informed about new trends within your field. Which information source is best suited to finding current information?
a) The library catalogue (example LOVISA/LIBRIS)
b) Mailing lists
c) Encyclopaedias
d) “Ask an expert” services

2. If you are looking for a specific article, where is the best place to search?
a) Google
b) A journal database
c) Library catalogue
d) Mailing lists

3. You need to know if your library has the journal Nature, where would be the best place to search for it?
a) Library catalogue
b) Journal database
c) Nature’s webpage
d) Altavista

4. Which way of thinking would be the most effective for finding information about the tree frog’s distribution in Sweden?
a) If I put in (or look up) “tree frog distribution in Sweden” I will get exactly what I need.
b) If I search on (or look up) frog I will probably find information regarding tree frogs.
c) Because I know exactly what I’m looking for, I can formulate my question so narrowly that I get only relevant hits. If the terms I use are too narrow, then I will broaden my search words.
d) When I was looking for information about the Swedish small cars society Google worked fine, so it will now as well. I find everything in Google.

5. What is the most important selection criterion when deciding what information source to use?.
a) That the publisher and source are clearly shown
b) My choice depends on what I am going to use the information for
c) To start off my the library catalogue search with
d) How long I can wait to get the material





The right answers to the questions contain a lot of information! Feel free to do the quiz again and answer the questions incorrectly if you wish to read the correct answers.