Illern - Different Sources of Information

How is an information source built up and structured? Depending on what you are going to use the material for, different sources can be better than others. By choosing a certain information source, you are also choosing a certain level of quality and difficulty. You might need to limit yourself concerning printed material or material in electronic form. Certain sources you can get immediately, others have longer delivery times. It is important to find the right information sources for your specific question. Valuable information exists in many forms, not just in printed or electronic books and articles. You can, for example, use:

· Oral information from colleagues, teachers and friends
is typically important in the academic world. Much information about new research projects etc comes through this unofficial route.

· Dictionaries
explain and define words and phrases

· Encyclopaedias
define terms and describe relationships, persons and places and are often a good starting point.

· Databases on CD-ROM or on the Internet
primarily lead to articles within the subject, but often you only get references to the articles and not the full text.

· Catalogues on the Internet
give you access to selected web pages within a certain field or country etc

· Search services on the Internet
gives you the opportunity to search millions of web pages.





Always write down what you’ve found and where you found it. You will need this in order to cite and reference your sources. It will also save time if you need to go back and check something.