Illern - Search Words

Have you defined your problem?
Have you limited your subject?
It is now time for the next step: to formulate the terms in your search.

Which word shall I search for?


Make a list of useful words and phrases.

Emigration, statistics, United States, North America, Denmark, migration, USA.

Think of synonyms and spelling variations, singular and plural forms.

Emigration, migration, emigrants.

Think about more general or specific term

Workforce emigration, Swedish Americans, integration, second languages.

How do you limit your question?

Are you looking for material from a certain period of time?

1800’s, the emigration period, 1993 – 2002.

In what language can the information be written for you to be able to use it?

statistics, statistik.

Do you want only information from or about a certain geographic location

Småland, Minnesota, Bornholm, urban areas, rural areas.

The way the search service is built is something you should think about when formulating your terms. We are going to look more closely at this in the following chapters. The limitations and/or expansions of your search terms determine where and how you should choose to do your search.



